Organizational Change Management
training provided by
EXPERTS who have trained hundreds of professionals
In this rapidly changing world, learning to manage change is one of the most important skills to have irrespective of whether you are a leader, a change practitioner or an employee.
But it does not have to be difficult!
If you want to learn Behavioral Change Management in a way that is simple, practical, easy to understand, apply, and scaleable in all situations and types of change … technology, structural, process, or culture…
Our records speak for themselves! Hundreds of highly satisfied professionals from more than 50 countries trained over the past 5 years
Did you know that Change Management is much more than just “Communication and Training”
We teach you the behavioral side of Change Management –
- How to anticipate the impact of any change
- People, processes, and culture it might impact
- How to identify emotions, feelings, behavior and habit patterns of impacted employees that create barriers
- Identifying resistance
- Identifying advocates and sponsors of change and preparing them
- Building a case for change – what works and what does not
- Engaging people in the change journey – the right way
- Breaking and instilling new behavioral patterns
- How to create the supporting infrastructure to ensure change sticks
- What sequence and strategy to follow to deploy your Change Management Plan
- How to really sustain change after “Go Live”
- How to track, monitor and measure the change’s impact on business

- Foundation in Change Management
- Change Management Bootcamp for practitioners
- Change “Kickstarter” workshop
- Change Management Trainer
- Customized workshops
All courses come with easy to use templates for data collection and analysis required for creating Change Management plans
Course Schedule

Our trainers are not just trainers – they are industry experts with experience building global change management capability for Fortune 500 organizations and providing consulting across transformation projects of all types and sizes.
Their insights and examples combined with activities you will do will help you walk out of the workshop with not only a clear understanding but also a blueprint of how to apply this new knowledge to your specific situation.